Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cole Slaw Recipe from Fish Fry

Hey everybody,


I’ve been asked to share the Oriental Cole Slaw recipe from the Fish Fry the other night so here goes:




1 large bag shredded mixed cabbage

½ cup sesame seeds

½ cup slivered almonds

1 pkg. ramen noodles (discard seasoning packet)

1 bunch of thinly sliced green onions



¼ cup sugar

½ cup vegetable oil

1 ½ tsp. salt

1 tsp. pepper

6 Tbsp. white vinegar

2 tsp. Accent


Mix dressing ingredients in a jar and refrigerate.  Toast sesame seeds and almonds separately.  Sesame seed burn quickly.  Mix together.  Crumble ramen noodles and combine all three.  Mix cabbage and onions.  When ready to serve, combine noodle mixture with cabbage and add dressing. 

About 8 servings.


P.S. I had some people share that they used sunflower seeds instead of sesame seeds and used cider vinegar instead of white vinegar for this recipe.


Hope you enjoy serving this to your family and friends.


In Christian Service,


Sue Kamm


Anonymous said...

that is some excellent slaw thanks for posting the recipe